CNKO Date : 29-04-11 Financial Performance (in billion Rp) 2011| 2010| 2009| 29-04-11 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2| ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales 221 762 521 251 153 351 240 143 COGS 180 623 435 228 143 320 216 126 Gross Marg 41 138 86 23 10 31 24 17 GM (%) 18 18 16 9 7 8 10 11 Opr Profit 32| 107 66 10 6| 10 8 7 OP (%) 14 14 12 4 3 3 3 5 Net Profit 21| 70 42 3 2| 2 1 1 NP (%) 9 9 8 1 1 0 0 0 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Stk Price 132 124| 154 162 141 77| 60 73 82 Book Value 176| 171 164 155 154| 154 154 154 PBV 0,75 0,70| 0,90 0,98 0,91 0,50| 0,39 0,47 0,53 DER 0,95| 0,67 0,35 0,37 0,35| 0,34 0,17 0,17 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ROE (%) 11| 9 8 0 1| 0 0 0 ROA (%) 5| 5 6 0 0| 0 0 0 Opr prof/share 7| 25 15 2 1| 2 2 1 EPS 4| 16 10 0 0| 0 0 0 EPS (Qtr) 4| 6 9 0 0| 0 0 0 EPS (Annu) 19| 16 13 1 1| 0 0 0 PER 6,67 6,27| 9,24 12,15 99,39 39,51| 92,55 145,08 165,13 PER (Qtr) 6,27| 5,78 4,36 158,68 39,51| 55,37 141,37 82,56 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ COP (year) 4,28 4,02 6,11 7,72 28,58 13,57 24,14 27,28 23,20 CLOP(year) 9,69 9,44 10,65 10,48 40,08 23,09 45,23 37,11 30,77 CLOP(Qtr*) 9,69 9,44 7,07 4,14 47,14 23,09 58,67 103,62 15,39 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales Growth(%) 44 116 116 75 Op.Prof Growth(%) 443 914 684 39 Net.Prof/EPS Grow 915 2.469 2.549 185 PEG (<1) 0,01 0,01| 0,00 0,00 0,54 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales(Qtr) 221 240 270 97 153 110 97 143 COGS (Qtr) 180 188 207 85 143 103 90 126 Gross Marg(Qtr) 41 51 63 12 10 6 7 17 GM (%) 18 21 23 12 7 6 7 11 OP.PR (Qtr) 32 40 56 4 6 2 1 7 OP % 14 16 20 4 3 1 1 5 NET.PR (Qtr) 21 28 39 0 2 1 0 1 NP % 9 11 14 0 1 1 0 0 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Asset 1.456| 1.212 943 899 886| 878 766 767 Liability 709| 486 245 240 229| 222 111 113 Equity 747| 726 698 658 657| 655 654 654 Capitalis. 560 526| 653 687 598 326| 254 309 348 Share(mil) 4.245 4.245 4.245 4.245 4.245 4.245 4.245 4.245 ---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ See ERROR and OMISSION
Coal sector comparison:
Date: 29-04-11 FINANCIAL RATIO COMPARISON Sector: COAL MINING Ranked by: ROE |-- ---- ------- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---------- ===--------- ===------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ -------- | | | |(1) (2) (3)| (4) (5)|(6)| (7) | (10) | (8) | (9) |(11)(12)(13|(14)(15)(16| (17)| (18) | MARKET| | | | SALES |GRS OPR NET| |ROA| ROE | PER | COP | CLOP |YoY GROWTH |Q1/Q4 GROWT| | LAST | CAP. | |NO|STOC|bio Rp |MAR PRF PRF| PBV DER| | |*LAST*| | | | OPR NET| OPR NET| PEG |PRICE |bio Rp | | | |mio USD| % % % | | | Q4 Q1|QUARTR|TDY Q1 Q4|TDY Q1 Q4|TDY Q1 Q4|SAL PRF PRF|SAL PRF PRF| | |mio Usd| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======| | 1 KKGI 371| 51 30 22|12,6| 0,5| 54| 54 84|84 14|14| 11 22|10| 8 16|11| 9 17|121 262|276| 15 70| 65| 0,05| 4.900| 4.900| | 2 PTBA 2.315| 53 40 32| 7,2| 0,3| 30| 31 42|42 16|16| 15 26|13| 12 22|14| 13 23| 29 123|103| 15 40| 22| 0,16|22.300| 51.382| | 3 ADRO$ 757| 33 28 15| 2,7| 1,2| 9| 0 21|21 12|12| 12 0| 6| 6***| 9| 9***| 11 -1| 18| 0 0| 0| 0,70| 2.200| 5.864| | 4 CNKO 221| 18 14 9| 0,7| 0,9| 5| 9 11|11 6| 6| 6 9| 4| 4 6| 9| 9 10| 44 443|915| -7 -18|-25| 0,01| 132| 560| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === --- ====== -- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- --- === =====|======|=======| 1. GRS MRG: Gross Margin to Sales (in %) 2. OPR PRF: Operating Profit to Sales (in %) 3. NET PRF: Net Profit to Sales (in %) 4. PBV: Stock Price to Book value 5. DER: Debt Equity Ratio 6. ROA: Return On Asset (in %) 7. ROE: Return On Equity (in %) QTR: ROE Quartely, using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit 8. COP: Capitalisation to Operating Profit (in years) 9. CLOP: Capitalisation + Liability to Operating profit (in years) 10. PER: Price Earning Ratio QTR: PER using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit 11. Sales Growth in % (Year on Year comparison) 12. Operating Profit Growth in % (YOY comparison) 13. Net Profit Growth in % - (YOY comparison) 14. Sales Growth in % - (Most Recent Quarter comparison) 15. Operating Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison) 16. Net Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison) 17. PEG = PER / Net Profit Growth
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Kalo pake Profitunity:
- Buaya merah
- Buaya hijau untuk RUNAWAY market
- 5 candle hijau
- Bearish divergent bar.
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