- LSIP: http://www.investdata.net/QQELSIP.TXT
LSIP Date : 28-04-11 Financial Performance (in billion Rp) www.investdata.net 2011| 2010| 2009| 28-04-11 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2| ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales 1.175 3.592 2.403 1.566 680 3.199 2.270 1.446 COGS 551 1.821 1.247 816 355 1.809 1.298 844 Gross Marg 624 1.771 1.155 750 324 1.390 972 602 GM (%) 53 49 48 47 47 43 42 41 Opr Profit 527| 1.399 866 570 238| 1.018 692 398 OP (%) 44 38 36 36 35 31 30 27 Net Profit 394| 1.033 641 417 167| 707 489 286 NP (%) 33 28 26 26 24 22 21 19 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Stk Price 2.375 2.275|12.850 9.850 8.300 9.800| 8.350 7.650 6.000 Book Value 725| 3.337 3.083 2.937 2.912| 2.844 2.593 2.390 PBV 3,27 3,14| 3,85 3,19 2,83 3,37| 2,94 2,95 2,51 DER 0,21| 0,22 0,30 0,35 0,32| 0,27 0,41 0,46 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ROE (%) 31| 22 20 21 16| 18 18 17 ROA (%) 26| 18 15 15 12| 14 13 12 Opr prof/share 77| 1.025 641 425 174| 759 516 296 EPS 57| 757 475 311 123| 527 365 213 EPS (Qtr) 57| 286 165 186 123| 162 151 136 EPS (Annu) 231| 757 633 623 492| 527 486 427 PER 10,28 9,84| 16,97 15,54 13,32 19,91| 15,82 15,72 14,03 PER (Qtr) 9,84| 11,20 14,84 11,13 19,91| 12,83 12,65 10,96 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ COP (year) 7,67 7,35 12,53 11,51 9,75 14,03 10,99 11,10 10,10 CLOP(year) 8,17 7,85 13,25 12,60 10,95 15,35 12,01 12,64 11,96 CLOP(Qtr*) 8,17 7,85 8,69 12,32 9,40 15,35 9,38 9,90 8,95 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales Growth(%) 72 12 5 8 Op.Prof Growth(%) 121 37 25 43 Net.Prof/EPS Grow 134 46 31 45 PEG (<1) 0,08 0,07| 0,37 0,50 0,29 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales(Qtr) 1.175 1.189 836 886 680 929 824 828 COGS (Qtr) 551 573 431 460 355 510 454 450 Gross Marg(Qtr) 624 615 405 425 324 418 369 377 GM (%) 53 51 48 48 47 45 44 45 OP.PR (Qtr) 527 533 295 332 238 325 294 266 OP % 44 44 35 37 35 35 35 32 NET.PR (Qtr) 394 391 224 249 167 218 202 183 NP % 33 32 26 28 24 23 24 22 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Asset 5.998| 5.561 5.420 5.314 5.229| 4.852 4.894 4.684 Liability 1.050| 1.007 1.257 1.375 1.255| 1.038 1.417 1.479 Equity 4.948| 4.554 4.162 3.938 3.973| 3.813 3.476 3.204 Capitalis. 16.204 15.522|17.534 13.297 11.127 13.372|11.194 10.255 8.043 Share(mil) 6.822 1.364 1.350 1.340 1.364 1.340 1.340 1.340 ---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ See ERROR and OMISSION
- AALI: http://www.investdata.net/QQEAALI.TXT
Sector performance:
Date: 28-04-11 FINANCIAL RATIO COMPARISON Sector: CPO Ranked by: ROE www.investdata.net |-- ---- ------- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---------- ===--------- ===------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ -------- | | | |(1) (2) (3)| (4) (5)|(6)| (7) | (10) | (8) | (9) |(11)(12)(13|(14)(15)(16| (17)| (18) | MARKET| | | | SALES |GRS OPR NET| |ROA| ROE | PER | COP | CLOP |YoY GROWTH |Q1/Q4 GROWT| | LAST | CAP. | |NO|STOC|bio Rp |MAR PRF PRF| PBV DER| | |*LAST*| | | | OPR NET| OPR NET| PEG |PRICE |bio Rp | | | |mio USD| % % % | | | Q4 Q1|QUARTR|TDY Q1 Q4|TDY Q1 Q4|TDY Q1 Q4|SAL PRF PRF|SAL PRF PRF| | |mio Usd| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======| | 1 AALI 2.764| 38 33 23| 4,4| 0,2| 26| 27 32|32 13|13| 13 20| 9| 9 13|10| 10 14| 69 110|140|-11 -23|-17| 0,10|23.150| 36.449| | 2 LSIP 1.175| 53 44 33| 3,2| 0,2| 26| 22 31|31 10|10| 9 16| 7| 7 12| 8| 7 13| 72 121|134| -1 -1| 0| 0,08| 2.375| 16.204| | 3 SGRO 759| 43 33 24| 2,6| 0,3| 24| 21 32|32 8| 8| 8 13| 6| 6 9| 6| 6 10|151 313|342|-19 -13| -6| 0,02| 3.225| 6.095| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === --- ====== -- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- --- === =====|======|=======| 1. GRS MRG: Gross Margin to Sales (in %) 2. OPR PRF: Operating Profit to Sales (in %) 3. NET PRF: Net Profit to Sales (in %) 4. PBV: Stock Price to Book value 5. DER: Debt Equity Ratio 6. ROA: Return On Asset (in %) 7. ROE: Return On Equity (in %) QTR: ROE Quartely, using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit 8. COP: Capitalisation to Operating Profit (in years) 9. CLOP: Capitalisation + Liability to Operating profit (in years) 10. PER: Price Earning Ratio QTR: PER using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit 11. Sales Growth in % (Year on Year comparison) 12. Operating Profit Growth in % (YOY comparison) 13. Net Profit Growth in % - (YOY comparison) 14. Sales Growth in % - (Most Recent Quarter comparison) 15. Operating Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison) 16. Net Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison) 17. PEG = PER / Net Profit Growt
- http://www.investdata.net/QZB1CPO6.TXT
Performance sector CPO pada QTR 1 BAGUS sesuai harapan dengan LSIP sebagai Super Star...
Buy Fractal LSIP ada dileve 2425, saat ini 2400 +1%
Kalo closing sore ini Buy Fractal 2425 bisa tembus, engga usah tunggu daftar BTS nanti malam, HAJAR SAJA ... hehehe...
- Penembusan BF 2425 mengkofirmasi wave 3 dengan target kenaikan yg lumayan.
Jadi perhatikan INI BAIK2 !!!
- Buy Fractal index sectoral AGRI = 2192
- Sekarang index AGRI = 2190
- Jadi sector AGRI udah siap MELEDAK sesudah DITEKAN berbulan bulan...
- JADI ini adalah HARI BELANJA BUAT CPO ketika saham benteng BBCA diturunkan (lihat posting Inikan harinya ?)
LSIP +3 dan SGRO +3% ... Ini jagoan cihuy ... hehehe...
SGRO juga gila dah... CLOP dan PER nya murah abis...
Buy Fractal index AGRI sudah tembus !!!!
- SGRO: http://www.investdata.net/QQESGRO.TXT
SGRO Date : 28-04-11 Financial Performance (in billion Rp) www.investdata.net 2011| 2010| 2009| 28-04-11 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2| ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales 759 2.311 1.369 745 302 1.815 1.185 559 COGS 427 1.469 885 471 192 1.216 756 349 Gross Marg 331 842 483 273 109 599 429 209 GM (%) 43 36 35 36 36 33 36 37 Opr Profit 250| 655 365 192 60| 460 334 148 OP (%) 33 28 26 25 20 25 28 26 Net Profit 189| 451 248 130 42| 281 204 95 NP (%) 24 19 18 17 14 15 17 16 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Stk Price 3.225 3.275| 3.175 2.700 2.275 2.625| 2.700 2.075 1.640 Book Value 1.242| 1.128 1.020 958 996| 934 892 830 PBV 2,60 2,64| 2,81 2,64 2,37 2,63| 2,89 2,32 1,97 DER 0,30| 0,35 0,32 0,38 0,24| 0,28 0,30 0,45 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ROE (%) 32| 21 17 14 9| 15 16 12 ROA (%) 24| 15 13 10 7| 12 12 8 Opr prof/share 132| 346 193 101 33| 243 176 78 EPS 100| 239 131 69 23| 149 108 50 EPS (Qtr) 100| 107 62 46 23| 41 57 43 EPS (Annu) 400| 239 175 138 94| 149 144 100 PER 8,05 8,17| 13,28 15,38 16,41 27,81| 18,11 14,41 16,31 PER (Qtr) 8,17| 7,39 10,82 12,19 27,81| 16,43 8,99 9,49 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ COP (year) 6,08 6,17 9,15 10,47 11,17 19,62 11,09 8,80 10,45 CLOP(year) 6,78 6,87 10,28 11,74 12,94 21,43 12,17 9,92 12,85 CLOP(Qtr*) 6,78 6,87 5,81 8,27 9,45 21,43 11,11 5,95 8,03 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales Growth(%) 151 27 15 33 Op.Prof Growth(%) 313 42 9 29 Net.Prof/EPS Grow 342 60 21 37 PEG (<1) 0,02 0,02| 0,22 0,70 0,43 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Sales(Qtr) 759 942 623 443 302 629 625 403 COGS (Qtr) 427 583 413 279 192 459 406 247 Gross Marg(Qtr) 331 358 210 163 109 170 219 156 GM (%) 43 38 33 36 36 27 35 38 OP.PR (Qtr) 250 290 172 131 60 125 185 118 OP % 33 30 27 29 20 20 29 29 NET.PR (Qtr) 189 202 117 88 42 77 109 81 NP % 24 21 18 19 14 12 17 20 ---------- ------ ======|------ ------ ------ ======|------ ------ ------ Asset 3.051| 2.875 2.547 2.492 2.249| 2.261 2.185 2.278 Liability 702| 743 618 680 440| 496 497 709 Equity 2.348| 2.132 1.929 1.811 1.808| 1.765 1.687 1.569 Capitalis. 6.095 6.189| 6.000 5.103 4.299 4.762| 5.103 3.921 3.099 Share(mil) 1.890 1.890 1.890 1.890 1.814 1.890 1.890 1.890 ---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ See ERROR and OMISSION
Sector performance:
- http://www.investdata.net/QZB1CPO6.TXT
Sector CPO sudah mirip saham raja Midas, apa yg disentuh jadi emas akibat ditembusnya Buy Fractal AGRI:
- LSIP +3,1%
- SGRO +3,9%
- TBLA +6,8%
- GZCO +3,9%
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