ASGR Date : 29-07-11 Financial Performance (in billion Rp) 2011 2010| 2009| 29-07-11 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3| ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales 648 314 1.565 848 574 291 1.335 958 COGS 429 214 1.108 545 377 200 950 679 Gross Marg 219 99 456 303 197 91 384 279 GM (%) 33 31 29 35 34 31 28 29 Opr Profit 64 26| 158 95 59 25| 112 84 OP (%) 9 8 10 11 10 8 8 8 Net Profit 53 21| 118 73 43 17| 66 47 NP (%) 8 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Stk Price 1.100 990 660| 690 680 395 370| 315 295 Book Value 360 362| 346 322 301 295| 282 273 PBV 3,05 2,74 1,82| 1,99 2,11 1,31 1,25| 1,12 1,08 DER 0,66 0,72| 1,10 0,73 0,78 0,83| 1,03 1,17 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ROE (%) 21 17| 25 22 21 17| 17 17 ROE (Qtr) 26 17 38 27 26 17 20 12 ROA (%) 13 10| 12 13 12 9| 8 7 Opr prof/share 47 19| 117 70 44 18| 83 62 EPS 39 15| 87 54 32 13| 49 34 EPS (Qtr) 23 15| 33 21 19 13| 14 8 EPS (Annu) 78 63| 87 72 65 52| 49 46 PER 13,94 12,55 10,33| 7,86 9,35 6,06 7,10| 6,35 6,33 PER (Qtr) 11,71 10,54 10,33| 5,18 7,76 5,04 7,10| 5,36 8,86 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ COP (year) 11,49 10,34 8,38 5,88 7,23 4,44 4,97 3,76 3,55 CLOP(year) 14,00 12,85 11,69 9,13 9,72 7,09 8,29 7,25 7,39 CLOP(Qtr) 11,89 10,92 11,69 5,72 8,76 6,09 8,29 7,12 5,95 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales Growth(%) 12 7 17 -11 Op.Prof Growth(%) 7 5 40 13 Net.Prof/EPS Grow 20 22 76 56 PEG (<1) 0,60 0,46| 0,10 0,17 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales(Qtr) 333 314 716 273 283 291 376 586 COGS (Qtr) 214 214 563 167 177 200 271 453 Gross Marg(Qtr) 119 99 153 106 105 91 105 133 GM (%) 35 31 21 38 37 31 27 22 OP.PR (Qtr) 37 26 63 35 34 25 28 34 OP % 11 8 8 12 12 8 7 5 NET.PR (Qtr) 31 21 44 29 26 17 19 11 NP % 9 6 6 10 9 6 5 1 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Asset 809 840| 982 751 723 731| 774 800 Liability 323 351| 515 316 317 332| 393 431 Equity 486 488| 466 435 406 398| 380 369 Capitalis. 1.483 1.335 890| 930 917 532 499| 424 397 Share(mil) 1.348 1.348 1.348 1.348 1.348 1.348 1.348 1.348 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------
Astra Group:
Date: 29-07-11 FINANCIAL RATIO COMPARISON Sector: ASTRA GROUP Ranked by: ROE |-- ---- ------- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---------- ===--------- ===------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ -------- | | | |(1) (2) (3)| (4) (5)|(6)| (7) | (10) | (8) | (9) |(11)(12)(13|(14)(15)(16| (17)| (18) | MARKET| | | | SALES |GRS OPR NET| |ROA| ROE | PER | COP | CLOP |YoY GROWTH |Q2/Q1 GROWT| | LAST | CAP. | |NO|STOC|bio Rp |MAR PRF PRF| PBV DER| | |*LAST*| | | | OPR NET| OPR NET| PEG |PRICE |bio Rp | | | |mio USD| % % % | | | Q1 Q2|QUARTR|TDY Q2 Q1|TDY Q2 Q1|TDY Q2 Q1|SAL PRF PRF|SAL PRF PRF| | |mio Usd| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======| | 1 AALI 5.296| 38 32 24| 4,8| 0,2| 27| 33 34|34 13|14| 14 13|10| 10 9|11| 11 10| 50 81| 98| -8 -11| 1| 0,14|23.500| 37.006| | 2 ASII 76.264| 19 11 11| 4,2| 1,0| 12| 32 25|25 16|16| 14 13|16| 15 13|21| 19 17| 23 26| 33| -2 -5| -0| 0,50|70.500|285.409| | 3 AUTO 3.562| 16 6 13| 3,5| 0,5| 14| 25 22|20 17|15| 13 10|35| 29 26|40| 34 31| 16 -19|-15| -4 9|-14|-1,01| 3.925| 15.133| | 4 ASGR 648| 33 9 8| 3,0| 0,6| 13| 17 21|26 11|13| 12 10|11| 10 8|14| 12 11| 12 7| 20| 6 42| 46| 0,66| 1.100| 1.483| | 5 UNTR 25.618| 17 13 9| 4,1| 0,6| 12| 29 20|20 20|20| 18 13|15| 13 10|17| 16 12| 41 26| 34| 2 -3| -4| 0,58|27.300|101.832| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === --- ====== -- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- --- === =====|======|=======| 1. GRS MRG: Gross Margin to Sales (in %) 2. OPR PRF: Operating Profit to Sales (in %) 3. NET PRF: Net Profit to Sales (in %) 4. PBV: Stock Price to Book value 5. DER: Debt Equity Ratio 6. ROA: Return On Asset (in %) 7. ROE: Return On Equity (in %) QTR: ROE Quartely, using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit 8. COP: Capitalisation to Operating Profit (in years) 9. CLOP: Capitalisation + Liability to Operating profit (in years) 10. PER: Price Earning Ratio QTR: PER using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit 11. Sales Growth in % (Year on Year comparison) 12. Operating Profit Growth in % (YOY comparison) 13. Net Profit Growth in % - (YOY comparison) 14. Sales Growth in % - (Most Recent Quarter comparison) 15. Operating Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison) 16. Net Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison) 17. PEG = PER / Net Profit Growth
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