Wednesday, March 10, 2010

LSIP: Final Result 2009

LSIP Date : 09-02-10
Financial Performance (in billion Rp)

2009| 2008|
09-02-10 ....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|
---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------
Sales 3.199 2.270 1.446 618 3.846 2.862 2.001 996
COGS 1.809 1.298 844 393 1.985 1.685 1.037 525
Gross Marg 1.390 972 602 224 1.860 1.177 963 471
GM (%) 43 42 41 36 48 41 48 47
Opr Profit 1.018 692 398 132| 1.314 1.113 697 351
OP (%) 31 30 27 21 34 38 34 35
Net Profit 707 489 286 103| 927 772 483 250
NP (%) 22 21 19 16 24 27 24 25
---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------
Stk Price 8.500 8.350 7.650 6.000 3.300| 2.925 3.550 10.500 8.950
Book Value 2.844 2.262 2.390 2.418| 2.342 2.819 2.051 1.880
PBV 2,99 2,94 3,38 2,51 1,36| 1,25 1,26 5,12 4,76
DER 0,27 0,61 0,46 0,51| 0,54 0,53 0,61 0,60
---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------
ROE (%) 18 21 17 12| 29 33 34 39
ROE (Qtr) 22 26 22 12 19 37 33 39
ROA (%) 14 13 12 8| 18 21 21 24
Opr prof/share 759 516 296 96| 963 1.016 511 257
EPS 527 365 213 75| 679 705 354 183
EPS (Qtr) 162 151 136 75| 113 264 170 183
EPS (Annu) 527 486 427 302| 679 940 708 734
PER 16,11 15,82 15,72 14,03 10,91| 4,30 3,77 14,81 12,19
PER (Qtr) 13,05 12,83 12,65 10,96 10,91| 6,45 3,36 15,36 12,19
---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------
COP (year) 11,19 10,99 11,10 10,10 8,53 3,04 2,62 10,27 8,67
CLOP(year) 12,21 12,01 13,12 11,96 11,73 4,35 3,71 11,49 9,77
CLOP(Qtr) 9,38 10,28 8,95 11,73 7,12 3,31 11,60 9,77
---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------
Sales Growth(%) -16 -20 -27 -38
Op.Prof Growth(%) -22 -37 -42 -62
Net.Prof/EPS Grow -23 -36 -40 -58
PEG (<1) -0,67 -0,43 -0,34 -0,19
---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------
Sales(Qtr) 929 824 828 618 983 861 1.004 996
COGS (Qtr) 510 454 450 393 299 648 511 525
Gross Marg(Qtr) 418 369 377 224 683 213 492 471
GM (%) 45 44 45 36 69 24 49 47
OP.PR (Qtr) 325 294 266 132 200 416 345 351
OP % 35 35 32 21 20 48 34 35
NET.PR (Qtr) 218 202 183 103 154 289 233 250
NP % 23 24 22 16 15 33 23 25
---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------
Asset 4.852 4.894 4.684 4.990| 4.921 4.709 4.500 4.103
Liability 1.038 1.861 1.479 1.689| 1.724 1.621 1.701 1.538
Equity 3.813 3.032 3.204 3.300| 3.197 3.087 2.798 2.565
Capitalis. 11.395 11.194 10.255 8.043 4.503| 3.991 3.888 14.328 12.212
Share(mil) 1.340 1.340 1.340 1.364 1.364 1.095 1.364 1.364
---------- ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------



Cpo emiten comparison:

Sector: CPO
Ranked by: ROE

|-- ---- ------- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---------- ===--------- ===------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ --------
| | | |(1) (2) (3)| (4) (5)|(6)| (7) | (10) | (8) | (9) |(11)(12)(13|(14)(15)(16| (17)| (18) | MARKET|
|NO|STOC|bio Rp |MAR PRF PRF| PBV DER| | |*LAST*| | | | OPR NET| OPR NET| PEG |PRICE |bio Rp |
| | |mio USD| % % % | | | Q3 Q4|QUARTR|TDY Q4 Q3|TDY Q4 Q3|TDY Q4 Q3|SAL PRF PRF|SAL PRF PRF| | |mio Usd|
|-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- --- === =====|======|=======|
| 1 AALI 7.424| 41 35 22| 6,4| 0,2| 21| 27 26|26 24|24| 21 19|15| 13 13|15| 14 13| -9 -22|-36| 1 -7|-13|-0,65|25.350| 39.919|
| 2 LSIP 3.199| 43 31 22| 3,2| 0,2| 14| 21 18|22 14|17| 15 15|12| 10 11|13| 12 13|-16 -22|-23| 12 10| 7|-0,73| 9.200| 12.333|
|-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === --- ====== -- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- --- === =====|======|=======|

1. GRS MRG: Gross Margin to Sales (in %)
2. OPR PRF: Operating Profit to Sales (in %)
3. NET PRF: Net Profit to Sales (in %)
4. PBV: Stock Price to Book value
5. DER: Debt Equity Ratio
6. ROA: Return On Asset (in %)
7. ROE: Return On Equity (in %)
QTR: ROE Quartely, using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit
8. COP: Capitalisation to Operating Profit (in years)
9. CLOP: Capitalisation + Liability to Operating profit (in years)
10. PER: Price Earning Ratio
QTR: PER using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit
11. Sales Growth in % (Year on Year comparison)
12. Operating Profit Growth in % (YOY comparison)
13. Net Profit Growth in % - (YOY comparison)
14. Sales Growth in % - (Most Recent Quarter comparison)
15. Operating Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison)
16. Net Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison)
17. PEG = PER / Net Profit Growth

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