Friday, September 14, 2012

Keputusan FOMC ....

OVER PEFORM stock VS UNDER PERFORM stock (sesi 1) :

- ASII +1,3% vs BUMI +9,2%
- UNVR +1,1% vs INCO +8,0%
- SSIA +0,8% vs ASRI +5,4%
- INDF +0,9% vs UNTR +5,1%
- GGRM +0,2% vs AALI +7,6%
- HMSP +0,1% vs PTBA +6,5%
- MYOR -1,3% VS BKSL +5,0%
- ICBP +1,6% VS TINS +6,0%

Terlihat tidak pola Over perform Bluechip yg UNDER PERFORM dan Under perform Redchip yg OVER PERFORM .... hehehe....

INI COCOK dengan ANALISA DIBAWAH ..... SEMUA ITU berhubungan dengan TAKTIK dan GOAL ...

Phenomena ini TIDAK bisa dijelaskan oleh TA, Hanya Bandarmologi yg bisa menjelaskan ini ...

Apa TAKTIK dan GOAL selanjutnya ?

Coba kita BARENG2 mikir, besok kan Week End ... hehehe...

Anda ada benarnya:
- Rencana pembelian asset oleh FED sebesar 40 miliar dollar per bulan tentunya akan menambah amunisi untuk memainkan stock market.

Tapi TONE CS masih negatif, liat analisa Robert dibawah...

Minta analisa si Papah dong yg kataya Bullish ...
13 September 2012
BREAKING NEWS: Bank Indonesia Meeting: Delaying the inevitable?

Nothing doing: Bank Indonesia left the BI rate unchanged at a record-low 5.75% for a seventh consecutive month at today's meeting. It also kept the lower end of its interest rate corridor, the so-called FASBI rate, at 4.0%, having hiked it by 25bps on 10th August.

A (small) bias towards tightening: While the central bank's recent policy actions, which have also included an increase in down payments for the purchase of houses (to 30%), cars (30%) and motorbikes (25%), suggest it has a bias towards tightening, we don't sense that it is a particularly strong one. After all, Governor Nasution was quoted by the Jakarta Global on 31 August as saying that "some people say that the benchmark rate should be raised. But if we raise the policy rate that will not address the problem of external imbalances". Instead, "fundamentally Indonesia's economy needs a weak rupiah" according to Nasution.

Taking risks: The way we look at it, however, a softer currency, by stimulating final demand, will eat further into increasingly scarce resources. It might also be expected to lead to higher inflation, although the usual determinants of CPI developments appear to be having much weaker effects in the current cycle than in previous ones (see: "Indonesia's great rate gamble", 22nd November 2011). So far this year, the rupiah is down 5.4% against the US dollar, softer than any other major currency in Asia, including the Indian rupee.

Forced to hike? In our view, pressure on the currency resulting from a further widening in the current account deficit, which hit a record USD6.9bn (3.1% of GDP) in the second quarter, may eventually leave the central bank with little choice to hike the policy rate. Indeed we have penciled in 125bps of increases in 2013 (see "Is Indonesia overheating?", 23rd August 2012). A long with the extremely rapid deterioration in the external balance, we believe evidence that the economy is overheating is provided by high inflation expectations, strong wage gains, buoyant money and credit growth and surging real estate prices.

Saved by commodities? We agree with the central bank that the third quarter may well see an improvement in the trade and current account deficits from Q2, but the Q4 release will be a different matter in our view. With domestic activity set to remain strong, it seems to us that the country requires either a strong pick-up in external demand and/or a sharp rise in gas, coal, rubber and palm oil prices to delay the crunch point.

Robert Prior-Wandesforde
Emerging Markets Economic Research
Phone: +65 6212 3707
Selama ini jika Index naik: Yg OVER PERFORM (UNVR) naik terus dan yg UNDER PERFORM (UNTR) turun terus .... Index mau naik atau turun, UNTR turun terus selama ini ...

Saat ini index NAIK LUAR BIASA:
- UNVR cuman naik +1% vs UNTR malah naik +5%

Anda bilang:
Karena saat indeks dibawa ke atas, BD akan naik menggunakan saham2 outperform . Saat sudah diketinggian dan mau jebolin All time new High, maka saham2 underperform akan di angkat spt yg terjadi hari ini.

Embah bilang:
- IHSG new high dengan mudah dijebol pake saham2 outperform jika selama ini naiknya saham2 outperform TIDAK DIGILIR naiknya.
- Jadi untuk bikin IHSG New High TIDAK diperlukan saham2 under perform diangkat.

Jadi kejadian hari ini termasuk KHUSUS/SPECIAL dan tentunya ada GOALnya yg musti kita cari APA ???

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