Sunday, November 13, 2011

CFIN:Q3/2011 Result

CFIN                       Date : 11-11-11
               Financial Performance (in billion Rp)
                                  2011                        2010|  2009|
         11-11-11 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4|
---------- ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------
Sales                496    316    151    402    289    189     94    323
COGS                 225    137     68    137     90     56     28    165
Gross Marg           271    178     83    265    199    133     66    158
GM (%)                54     56     55     65     68     70     70     48
Opr Profit           271    178     89|   265    199    133     66|   158
OP (%)                54     56     58     65     68     70     70     48
Net Profit           203    134     66|   200    150    100     50|   112
NP (%)                41     42     44     49     51     52     52     34
---------- ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------
Stk Price     460    420    680    560|   660    375    305    255|   175
Book Value           632    605    594|   568    549    527    523|   451
PBV          0,73   0,66   1,12   0,94|  1,16   0,68   0,58   0,49|  0,39
DER                 1,46   1,27   1,02|  0,82   0,40   0,36   0,35|  0,37
---------- ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------
ROE (%)               16     17     17|    13     14     14     14|     9
ROE (Qtr)             16     17     17     13     14     14     14     -1
ROA (%)                6      7      8|     7     10     10     10|     7
Opr prof/share       104     68     34|   101     76     51     25|    60
EPS                   78     51     25|    77     57     38     19|    43
EPS (Qtr)             26     25     25|    19     19     19     19|    -1
EPS (Annu)           104    103    102|    77     77     76     77|    43
PER          4,41   4,03   6,60   5,45|  8,56   4,87   3,96   3,30|  4,04
PER (Qtr)    4,30   3,93   6,57   5,45|  8,53   4,87   3,98   3,30|-29,28
---------- ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------
COP (year)   3,31   3,02   4,96   4,09   6,48   3,68   2,98   2,50   2,88
CLOP(year)   9,98   9,69  10,58   8,54  11,06   5,82   4,82   4,28   5,62
CLOP(Qtr)    9,74   9,46  10,56   8,54  11,12   5,85   4,81   4,28 -59,55
---------- ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------
Sales Growth(%)       71     66     59     24
Op.Prof Growth(%)     36     34     33     67
Net.Prof/EPS Grow     35     33     32     77
PEG (<1)            0,11   0,19   0,17|  0,11
---------- ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------
Sales(Qtr)           179    164    151    113     99     94     94     75
COGS (Qtr)            87     69     68     47     33     28     28     79
Gross Marg(Qtr)       92     94     83     65     66     66     66     -3
GM (%)                51     57     55     58     66     70     70     -4
OP.PR (Qtr)           92     89     89     65     66     66     66     -3
OP %                  51     54     58     58     66     70     70     -4
NET.PR (Qtr)          69     67     66     50     50     49     50     -3
NP %                  38     40     44     44     50     52     52     -5
---------- ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------
Asset              4.055  3.583  3.132| 2.693  1.999  1.863  1.836| 1.607
Liability          2.409  2.007  1.584| 1.212    569    490    474|   432
Equity             1.645  1.576  1.548| 1.481  1.430  1.373  1.362| 1.174
Capitalis.  1.197  1.093  1.770  1.457| 1.718    976    794    663|   455
Share(mil)         2.603  2.603  2.603  2.603  2.603  2.603  2.603  2.603
---------- ------ ------ ------ ====== ------ ------ ------ ====== ------

Attached, please find CFIN:Q3/2011 Result
Date: 11-11-11                        FINANCIAL RATIO COMPARISON
                                         Sector: PEMBIAYAAN
                               Ranked by: YoY Operating Profit Growth
|-- ---- ------- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---------- ===--------- ===------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ --------
|  |    |       |(1) (2) (3)| (4)  (5)|(6)|    (7)   |     (10)   |   (8)   |   (9)   |(11)(12)(13|(14)(15)(16| (17)| (18) | MARKET|
|  |    | SALES |GRS OPR NET|         |ROA|    ROE   |     PER    |   COP   |   CLOP  |YoY GROWTH |Q3/Q2 GROWT|     | LAST |  CAP. |
|NO|STOC|bio Rp |MAR PRF PRF| PBV  DER|   |      |*LAST*|         |         |         |    OPR NET|    OPR NET| PEG |PRICE |bio Rp |
|  |    |mio USD| %   %   % |         |   | Q2 Q3|QUARTR|TDY Q3 Q2|TDY Q3 Q2|TDY Q3 Q2|SAL PRF PRF|SAL PRF PRF|     |      |mio Usd|
|-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======|
| 1 CFIN     496| 54  54  41| 0,7| 1,4|  6| 17  16|16  4| 4|  4  6| 3|  3  4| 9|  9 10| 71  36| 35|  9   3|  3| 0,12|   460|  1.197|
|-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === --- ====== -- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- --- === =====|======|=======|
1. GRS MRG: Gross Margin to Sales (in %)
2. OPR PRF: Operating Profit to Sales (in %)
3. NET PRF: Net Profit to Sales (in %)
4. PBV: Stock Price to Book value
5. DER: Debt Equity Ratio
6. ROA: Return On Asset (in %)
7. ROE: Return On Equity (in %)
         QTR: ROE Quartely, using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit
8. COP: Capitalisation to Operating Profit (in years)
9. CLOP: Capitalisation + Liability to Operating profit (in years)
10. PER: Price Earning Ratio
         QTR: PER using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit
11. Sales Growth in % (Year on Year comparison)
12. Operating Profit Growth in % (YOY comparison)
13. Net Profit Growth in % - (YOY comparison)
14. Sales Growth in % - (Most Recent Quarter comparison)
15. Operating Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison)
16. Net Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison)
17. PEG = PER / Net Profit Growth


Pak Koba,

Kalo bursanya sepi, bisa ada waktu buat kutak katik....

Heran yah, belum crash tapi harga saham banyak yg SUDAH HANCUR LEBUR terutama yg second liner ...

Begitu juga index Perancis, LOW bulan lalu sudah hampir mencapai LOW thn 2003 , 8 tahun yg LALU ???

LOWESTnya = 2401 (2003)
HIGHEST = 6168 (2007)

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