UNTR Date : 25-07-12 Financial Performance (in billion Rp) www.investdata.net 2012 2011| 2010| 25-07-12 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3| ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales 30.610 15.027 55.052 39.752 25.618 12.648 37.323 27.813 COGS 25.076 12.416 44.859 32.520 21.178 10.416 30.528 22.751 Gross Marg 5.534 2.611 10.193 7.231 4.439 2.232 6.795 5.061 GM (%) 18 17 18 18 17 17 18 18 Opr Profit 4.082 1.931| 7.615 5.506 3.343 1.700| 5.162 3.926 OP (%) 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 Net Profit 3.087 1.526| 5.900 4.348 2.540 1.297| 3.872 2.960 NP (%) 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Stk Price 21.150 21.350 33.000|26.350 22.000 24.900 21.700|23.800 20.450 Book Value 7.423 7.434| 7.911 6.819 6.658 5.231| 4.850 4.724 PBV 2,85 2,88 4,44| 3,33 3,23 3,74 4,15| 4,91 4,33 DER 0,85 0,72| 0,76 0,74 0,63 0,85| 0,84 0,77 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ROE (%) 22 22| 22 22 20 29| 24 25 ROE (Qtr) 22 22 23 28 20 29 22 27 ROA (%) 12 12| 12 13 12 16| 13 14 Opr prof/share 1.094 517| 2.288 1.476 896 511| 1.551 1.180 EPS 827 409| 1.773 1.165 681 390| 1.164 889 EPS (Qtr) 418 409| 466 484 333 390| 274 322 EPS (Annu) 1.655 1.637| 1.773 1.554 1.362 1.560| 1.164 1.186 PER 12,78 12,90 20,16| 14,86 14,15 18,28 13,91| 20,44 17,24 PER (Qtr) 12,63 12,76 20,16| 14,12 11,34 18,69 13,91| 21,69 15,86 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ COP (year) 9,66 9,75 15,93 11,51 11,18 13,89 10,62 15,34 12,99 CLOP(year) 12,54 12,63 18,50 14,15 13,73 16,23 12,78 17,96 15,30 CLOP(Qtr) 11,90 11,98 18,50 12,78 11,65 16,51 12,78 18,76 15,68 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales Growth(%) 19 18 47 42 Op.Prof Growth(%) 22 13 47 40 Net.Prof/EPS Grow 21 17 52 46 PEG (<1 ----------="----------" ------="------" 0="0" 1.072="1.072" 1.235="1.235" 1.242="1.242" 1.277="1.277" 1.297="1.297" 1.526="1.526" 1.552="1.552" 1.560="1.560" 1.642="1.642" 1.700="1.700" 1.716="1.716" 1.734="1.734" 1.808="1.808" 1.931="1.931" 10.416="10.416" 10.762="10.762" 10="10" 11.342="11.342" 11="11" 12.065="12.065" 12.338="12.338" 12.416="12.416" 12.648="12.648" 12.660="12.660" 12.969="12.969" 12="12" 13="13" 14.133="14.133" 14.712="14.712" 15.027="15.027" 15.300="15.300" 15.583="15.583" 15.641="15.641" 15.716="15.716" 15="15" 17.404="17.404" 17="17" 18.736="18.736" 18="18" 19.882="19.882" 19="19" 1="1" 2.108="2.108" 2.150="2.150" 2.163="2.163" 2.207="2.207" 2.232="2.232" 2.611="2.611" 2.791="2.791" 2.922="2.922" 2.961="2.961" 23.470="23.470" 24.836="24.836" 25.437="25.437" 27.691="27.691" 27.730="27.730" 27.781="27.781" 3.326="3.326" 3.730="3.730" 32.117="32.117" 40.477="40.477" 44.173="44.173" 47.612="47.612" 51.162="51.162" 68.034="68.034" 7.776="7.776" 72.193="72.193" 78.892="78.892" 79.638123.094="79.638123.094" 8.016="8.016" 82.062="82.062" 9.510="9.510" 9.733="9.733" 912="912" 92.880="92.880" 9="9" and="and" asset="asset" capitalis.="capitalis." cogs="cogs" equity="equity" error="error" gm="gm" gross="gross" liability="liability" marg="marg" mil="mil" net.pr="net.pr" np="np" omission="omission" op.pr="op.pr" op="op" pre="pre" sales="sales" see="see" share="share" tr="tr"> - http://www.investdata.net/QQJUNTR.TXT PTBA:
PTBA Date : 25-07-12 Financial Performance (in billion Rp) www.investdata.net 2012 2011| 2010| 25-07-12 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3| ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales 5.789 3.021 10.581 7.754 5.119 2.315 7.909 5.901 COGS 3.111 1.593 5.302 3.776 2.430 1.071 4.258 3.257 Gross Marg 2.678 1.427 5.278 3.978 2.688 1.243 3.650 2.644 GM (%) 46 47 49 51 52 53 46 44 Opr Profit 1.881 1.010| 3.694 2.862 1.971 944| 2.304 1.633 OP (%) 32 33 34 36 38 40 29 27 Net Profit 1.555 867| 3.085 2.322 1.610 760| 2.008 1.389 NP (%) 26 28 29 29 31 32 25 23 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Stk Price 15.300 14.650 20.500|17.350 16.800 20.800 21.000|22.950 19.450 Book Value 3.436 3.887| 3.510 3.281 3.008 3.094| 2.763 2.563 PBV 4,45 4,26 5,27| 4,94 5,12 6,91 6,79| 8,31 7,59 DER 0,41 0,39| 0,42 0,40 0,56 0,39| 0,37 0,40 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ROE (%) 39 38| 38 40 46 42| 31 31 ROE (Qtr) 34 38 37 37 49 42 38 32 ROA (%) 27 27| 26 29 29 30| 23 22 Opr prof/share 816 438| 1.603 1.242 855 409| 1.000 708 EPS 675 376| 1.339 1.008 699 329| 871 602 EPS (Qtr) 298 376| 331 309 369 329| 268 209 EPS (Annu) 1.350 1.505| 1.339 1.344 1.398 1.319| 871 803 PER 11,33 10,85 13,61| 12,95 12,50 14,88 15,91| 26,32 24,19 PER (Qtr) 12,80 12,26 13,61| 13,10 13,59 14,09 15,91| 21,36 23,26 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ COP (year) 9,37 8,97 11,69 10,82 10,14 12,15 12,81 22,95 20,58 CLOP(year) 10,23 9,84 12,56 11,75 10,93 13,14 13,54 23,97 21,67 CLOP(Qtr) 11,05 10,62 12,56 13,04 11,72 12,61 13,54 20,59 20,09 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales Growth(%) 13 30 33 31 Op.Prof Growth(%) -4 6 60 75 Net.Prof/EPS Grow -3 14 53 67 PEG (<1 ----------="----------" ------="------" -3="-3" 0="0" 1.001="1.001" 1.005="1.005" 1.010="1.010" 1.027="1.027" 1.071="1.071" 1.131="1.131" 1.243="1.243" 1.251="1.251" 1.289="1.289" 1.300="1.300" 1.345="1.345" 1.359="1.359" 1.427="1.427" 1.444="1.444" 1.517="1.517" 1.525="1.525" 1.593="1.593" 10.583="10.583" 10.834="10.834" 11.174="11.174" 12.474="12.474" 2.007="2.007" 2.106="2.106" 2.304="2.304" 2.305="2.305" 2.315="2.315" 2.355="2.355" 2.369="2.369" 2.635="2.635" 2.768="2.768" 2.778="2.778" 2.804="2.804" 2.826="2.826" 22="22" 24="24" 26="26" 27="27" 28="28" 29="29" 3.021="3.021" 3.022="3.022" 3.256="3.256" 3.418="3.418" 3.517="3.517" 3.902="3.902" 30="30" 31="31" 32="32" 33.755="33.755" 33="33" 35.253="35.253" 36="36" 38.709="38.709" 40="40" 44.832="44.832" 45="45" 46="46" 47.234="47.234" 47.925="47.925" 47="47" 48.386="48.386" 481="481" 48="48" 5.908="5.908" 50="50" 51="51" 53="53" 587="587" 6.366="6.366" 6.932="6.932" 619="619" 670="670" 688="688" 7.131="7.131" 7.560="7.560" 7.918="7.918" 712="712" 760="760" 762="762" 8.088="8.088" 8.277="8.277" 8.722="8.722" 8.957="8.957" 832="832" 850="850" 867="867" 871="871" 890="890" 9.909="9.909" 944="944" 975="975" and="and" asset="asset" capitalis.="capitalis." cogs="cogs" equity="equity" error="error" gm="gm" gross="gross" liability="liability" marg="marg" mil="mil" net.pr="net.pr" np="np" omission="omission" op.pr="op.pr" op="op" pre="pre" sales="sales" see="see" share="share" tr="tr"> - http://www.investdata.net/QQJPTBA.TXT AALI:1>
AALI Date : 25-07-12 Financial Performance (in billion Rp) www.investdata.net 2012 2011| 2010| 25-07-12 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3| ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales 5.646 2.581 10.772 7.935 5.296 2.764 8.843 5.721 COGS 3.847 1.842 6.837 4.901 3.237 1.688 5.234 3.508 Gross Marg 1.798 738 3.934 3.034 2.059 1.076 3.609 2.212 GM (%) 31 28 36 38 38 38 40 38 Opr Profit 1.363 530| 3.195 2.523 1.733 918| 2.998 1.793 OP (%) 24 20 29 31 32 33 33 31 Net Profit 958 377| 2.405 1.860 1.269 654| 2.016 1.228 NP (%) 16 14 22 23 23 23 22 21 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Stk Price 21.900 20.050 23.350|21.700 19.300 23.500 22.700|26.200 20.700 Book Value 5.036 5.363| 5.168 4.822 4.900 4.997| 4.579 4.268 PBV 4,35 3,98 4,35| 4,20 4,00 4,80 4,54| 5,72 4,85 DER 0,43 0,28| 0,25 0,40 0,26 0,26| 0,22 0,27 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ROE (%) 24 17| 29 32 32 33| 27 24 ROE (Qtr) 29 17 26 31 31 33 43 33 ROA (%) 16 13| 23 23 26 26| 22 19 Opr prof/share 866 337| 2.029 1.602 1.100 583| 1.904 1.138 EPS 608 240| 1.527 1.181 806 415| 1.280 779 EPS (Qtr) 368 240| 346 374 391 415| 500 359 EPS (Annu) 1.217 960| 1.527 1.574 1.612 1.661| 1.280 1.039 PER 17,99 16,47 24,32| 14,21 12,25 14,57 13,66| 20,46 19,91 PER (Qtr) 14,84 13,59 24,32| 15,66 12,87 15,02 13,66| 13,08 14,39 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ COP (year) 12,64 11,57 17,32 10,69 9,03 10,67 9,72 13,76 13,63 CLOP(year) 13,89 12,82 18,45 11,34 9,93 11,24 10,29 14,29 14,38 CLOP(Qtr) 11,36 10,49 18,45 13,48 10,57 11,96 10,29 8,89 10,24 ---------- ------ ====== ------|------ ------ ====== ------|------ ------ Sales Growth(%) 6 -6 21 38 Op.Prof Growth(%) -21 -42 6 40 Net.Prof/EPS Grow -24 -42 19 51 PEG (<1 ----------="----------" ------="------" -0="-0" 0="0" 1.060="1.060" 1.076="1.076" 1.205="1.205" 1.217="1.217" 1.396="1.396" 1.548="1.548" 1.574="1.574" 1.580="1.580" 1.664="1.664" 1.688="1.688" 1.725="1.725" 1.788="1.788" 1.842="1.842" 1.935="1.935" 1.975="1.975" 10.610="10.610" 10.836="10.836" 11.322="11.322" 14="14" 18="18" 19="19" 2.005="2.005" 2.064="2.064" 2.082="2.082" 2.203="2.203" 2.391="2.391" 2.531="2.531" 2.581="2.581" 2.639="2.639" 2.764="2.764" 2.836="2.836" 20="20" 22="22" 23="23" 24="24" 25="25" 27="27" 28="28" 29="29" 3.016="3.016" 3.065="3.065" 3.122="3.122" 3.391="3.391" 30.392="30.392" 31.573="31.573" 31="31" 32.597="32.597" 32="32" 33="33" 34.486="34.486" 34="34" 35.740="35.740" 36.763="36.763" 36="36" 37.006="37.006" 377="377" 38="38" 44="44" 530="530" 545="545" 566="566" 580="580" 590="590" 6.722="6.722" 615="615" 654="654" 672="672" 7.211="7.211" 7.594="7.594" 7.717="7.717" 7.868="7.868" 7.931="7.931" 738="738" 788="788" 790="790" 8.139="8.139" 8.445="8.445" 8.510="8.510" 8.791="8.791" 814="814" 833="833" 839="839" 9.692="9.692" 9.950="9.950" 900="900" 918="918" 974="974" 982="982" 986="986" and="and" asset="asset" capitalis.="capitalis." cogs="cogs" equity="equity" error="error" gm="gm" gross="gross" liability="liability" marg="marg" mil="mil" net.pr="net.pr" np="np" omission="omission" op.pr="op.pr" op="op" pre="pre" sales="sales" see="see" share="share" tr="tr"> - http://www.investdata.net/QQJAALI.TXT Rekap: By Yearly Operating Profit Growth (1 up vs 2 down) (kolom 12)1>
Date: 31-07-12 FINANCIAL RATIO COMPARISON Sector: ALL STOCK Ranked by: YoY Operating Profit Growth www.investdata.net |-- ---- ------- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---------- ===--------- ===------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ -------- | | | |(1) (2) (3)| (4) (5)|(6)| (7) | (10) | (8) | (9) |(11)(12)(13|(14)(15)(16| (17)| (18) | MARKET| | | | SALES |GRS OPR NET| |ROA| ROE | PER | COP | CLOP |YoY GROWTH |Q2/Q1 GROWT| | LAST | CAP. | |NO|STOC|bio Rp |MAR PRF PRF| PBV DER| | |*LAST*| | | | OPR NET| OPR NET| PEG |PRICE |bio Rp | | | |mio USD| % % % | | | Q1 Q2|QUARTR|TDY Q2 Q1|TDY Q2 Q1|TDY Q2 Q1|SAL PRF PRF|SAL PRF PRF| | |mio Usd| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======| | 1 KAEF 1.583| 32 7 5| 2,3| 0,4| 8| 9 12|16 14|17| 17 20|13| 12 14|15| 15 18| 12 111|126| 23 74| 74| 0,14| 540| 2.999| | 2 PWON 1.049| 57 51 34| 4,2| 1,6| 10| 28 28|30 14|14| 12 14|10| 8 10|13| 12 14| 60 96|107| 12 25| 13| 0,14| 225| 10.835| | 3 ASRI 1.115| 62 54 47| 2,3| 1,3| 11| 35 26|18 12| 8| 9 8| 7| 7 8|11| 12 11| 57 81| 81|-34 -34|-47| 0,11| 460| 9.038| | 4 SMRA 1.514| 49 27 20| 4,2| 2,6| 6| 22 23|24 17|17| 17 18|13| 13 12|21| 21 20| 61 78|100|-14 -0| 10| 0,18| 1.620| 11.134| | 5 ROTI 570| 46 16 12| 8,3| 0,5| 16| 22 24|27 30|33| 28 27|25| 21 20|27| 23 22| 55 43| 39| 8 23| 22| 0,85| 4.850| 4.909| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======| | 6 ASGR 911| 28 10 7| 3,2| 1,2| 11| 22 25|26 12|12| 12 10| 9| 9 8|13| 13 10| 40 43| 32| 15 8| 9| 0,39| 1.320| 1.780| | 7 CPIN 10.240| 26 21 16| 7,3| 0,4| 32| 45 47|50 14|15| 16 14|11| 12 10|12| 13 11| 15 39| 34| 9 13| 14| 0,44| 3.200| 52.473| | 8 BBRI 24.451| 72 42 35| 3,1| 7,6| 3| 31 31|32 9| 9| 9 10| 8| 7 8|28| 27 27| 3 31| 28| 2 1| 5| 0,35| 7.000|172.684| | 9 ARNA 527| 32 18 12| 3,3| 0,6| 15| 24 25|27 12|13| 10 7| 8| 7 4|10| 8 6| 12 30| 31| 7 13| 13| 0,42| 930| 1.706| |10 BSDE 1.603| 62 35 31| 2,7| 1,0| 6| 14 13|13 20|19| 20 21|17| 18 21|24| 25 28| 24 26| 30| 0 17| -8| 0,65| 1.150| 20.121| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======| |11 INTP 8.192| 46 32 26| 4,7| 0,2| 20| 23 25|27 16|18| 14 16|14| 11 13|15| 12 14| 29 25| 25| 12 18| 16| 0,72|21.500| 79.146| |12 JSMR 3.273| 48 48 28| 4,8| 1,7| 8| 20 23|25 18|20| 19 21|12| 11 12|16| 16 17| 15 25| 30| 22 30| 25| 0,69| 5.700| 38.760| |13 AUTO 4.161| 16 6 12| 3,0| 0,7| 13| 22 22|22 13|13| 12 12|26| 25 26|32| 31 32| 16 22| 9| -4 14| 1| 1,33| 3.625| 13.977| |14 UNTR 30.610| 18 13 10| 2,8| 0,8| 12| 22 22|22 12|12| 12 20| 9| 9 15|12| 12 18| 19 22| 21| 3 11| 2| 0,59|21.000| 78.332| |15 ASII 95.919| 18 10 10| 4,4| 1,6| 11| 28 30|31 14|14| 14 16|14| 13 16|19| 19 21| 25 18| 12| 6 14| 8| 1,15| 7.000|283.384| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======| |16 SMGR 8.657| 45 30 24| 5,2| 0,5| 18| 26 28|29 17|18| 15 17|14| 12 14|15| 14 15| 13 14| 12| 2 10| 8| 1,48|12.950| 76.813| |17 UNVR 13.359| 50 23 17|49,3| 2,4| 36| 96 124|** 39|39| 37 32|29| 28 24|31| 29 25| 16 12| 12| 2 -1| 0| 3,15|24.250|185.027| |18 BMRI 20.222| 62 45 35| 2,8| 7,5| 2| 20 21|22 12|13| 11 11|10| 9 9|37| 36 37| 11 9| 13| 3 13| 10| 1,04| 8.300|193.666| |19 TLKM 36.720| 32 33 17| 4,0| 1,2| 12| 26 28|27 14|14| 12 10| 7| 6 5| 9| 8 8| 6 8| 8| 6 2| -6| 1,74| 9.100|183.455| |20 BBCA 13.196| 69 48 40| 4,2| 7,9| 2| 20 23|26 16|18| 16 21|15| 13 16|43| 42 47| 11 6| 10| 2 20| 30| 1,74| 8.000|194.921| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === ---****** --- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- *** *** =====|======|=======| |21 GGRM 23.558| 19 12 8| 4,4| 0,5| 10| 18 17|14 30|25| 28 21|17| 19 14|20| 21 16| 18 -3| -8| 5 -25|-26|-3,07|56.350|108.422| |22 PTBA 5.789| 46 32 26| 4,6| 0,4| 27| 38 39|34 13|11| 10 13| 9| 8 11|10| 9 12| 13 -4| -3| -8 -13|-20|-3,43|15.900| 36.635| |23 KKGI 1.019| 35 23 17| 5,4| 0,4| 37| 52 55|47 11| 9| 12 17| 7| 8 13| 7| 9 13| 3 -20|-18| 5 -24|-24|-0,53| 3.450| 3.450| |24 AALI 5.646| 31 24 16| 4,5| 0,4| 16| 17 24|29 15|18| 16 24|13| 11 17|14| 12 18| 6 -21|-24| 18 57| 53|-0,77|23.000| 36.219| |-- ---- ------- === === === ==== ==== === === --- ====== -- -- -- === -- -- === -- -- --- --- === --- --- === =====|======|=======| 1. GRS MRG: Gross Margin to Sales (in %) 2. OPR PRF: Operating Profit to Sales (in %) 3. NET PRF: Net Profit to Sales (in %) 4. PBV: Stock Price to Book value 5. DER: Debt Equity Ratio 6. ROA: Return On Asset (in %) 7. ROE: Return On Equity (in %) QTR: ROE Quartely, using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit 8. COP: Capitalisation to Operating Profit (in years) 9. CLOP: Capitalisation + Liability to Operating profit (in years) 10. PER: Price Earning Ratio QTR: PER using Most Recent Quarter's Net Profit 11. Sales Growth in % (Year on Year comparison) 12. Operating Profit Growth in % (YOY comparison) 13. Net Profit Growth in % - (YOY comparison) 14. Sales Growth in % - (Most Recent Quarter comparison) 15. Operating Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison) 16. Net Profit Growth in % - (MRQ comparison) 17. PEG = PER / Net Profit Growth- http://www.investdata.net/QZC2ALL2.TXT1>
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